Cosmic structure formation in the non-linear regime
At small scales, the three-dimensional large-scale structure contains a wealth of cosmological information which cannot be trivially extracted due to the non-linear dynamical evolution of the density field. In order to optimally extract information from upcoming, but also existing, surveys, I am interested in the description of structure formation in this regime.
In 2013, I proposed a fast method to improve the performance of Lagrangian perturbation theory in the mildly non-linear regime, based on a remapping of the approximately-evolved density field, using information extracted from N-body simulations (Leclercq et al. 2013).
I am also the author of Simbelmynë, a flexible cosmological code for forward-modelling the large-scale structure. Simbelmynë features an implementation the spatial comoving Lagrangian acceleration scheme sCOLA (Tassev et al. 2015; Leclercq et al. 2020) for perfectly parallel dark matter simulations. It also includes a variety of tools to create synthetic observations of galaxies, and to analyse the dynamics of the cosmic web (phase-space field estimators, cosmic web classifiers).